The Community of OpenAFS Users

The OpenAFS Foundation adopts a three-fold mission:

We expect our activities for accomplishing our mission to be diverse, but our vision includes that the OpenAFS Foundation facilitate the following:

In order to attract and increase the community of OpenAFS users, The Foundation plans to:

  1. Offer OpenAFS and associated technologies to all members of the general public, individuals and organizations alike, through the use of open source licensing, free of charge
  2. Educate members of the general public in the application of OpenAFS and associated technologies (low-cost conferences, low-cost Best Practices Workshops, free-of-charge ad-hoc consulting/training via the OpenAFS ticketing system, etc.)
  3. Aid, assist and support other persons and organizations of any kind who wish to learn and/or employ OpenAFS – by gifts, grants, contributions or otherwise – provided that such activities are constant with the foregoing purpose
  4. Seek contributions by persons and organizations of any kind, via gifts, grants, contributions, "in kind" or other donations